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Professional Civil Construction,
Excavation and Earthmoving.

Earthworks Civil and Construction was founded in Echuca Victoria in 2013 and has grown to provide quality civil construction, excavation and earthmoving services within Northern Victoria and Southern NSW.
With over 22 years in the construction industry the business offers
a highly skilled operational work force, along with reliable plant, and equipment, including the use of Trimble GPS systems. This ensures the delivery of projects to the highest possible standards, within budget - without compromising quality, safety and environmental supremacy.

What we do

Earthworks Civil Bulk Earthworks


We can remove, move and cart large quantities of soil.
With extensive cut and fill experience, we will ensure your project will be built on firm ground and in the right place.
Earthworks Civil Road and Pavement

Roads & Heavy
Duty Pavements

Earthworks Civil & Construction has experience on various types of road construction projects. Including sealed roads, bridge constructions, kerb & channel works.
Earthworks Civil Water

Water & Energy

Being part of the Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) Connections Project. Completing stock and domestic meter packages, pipelines, channel blocks, regulator, decommissioning of channels and on farm works meeting the demands of an Australian Tier 1 contractor.
Earthworks Civil Plant Hire

Plant Hire

We can meet all of your wet hire
needs. Call us today for a quote.
Earthworks Civil Residential and Commercial

Industrial &

We have completed various residential, industrial and commercial projects including bulk and detailed excavation works. Along with the installation of water, sewer, drainage, electrical & communication services.
Earthworks Civil Excavation

Shoring &

Earthworks Civil & Construction has experience in the delivery of complex earthworks, shoring & foundation requirements. Including but not limited to deep excavations.
Earthworks Civil Environment

& Remediation

Earthworks Civil & Construction has experience in landfill capping, removal and disposal of contaminated soil, waterways reconstruction and site regeneration.
Earthworks Civil Specialty

Specialty Works

Fabrication & installation

We utilise the latest technology

Trimble Technology
Trimble Earthworks

Using a GPS device makes the job simpler as the data collected is accurate, faster, more efficient and can deliver a far better result. Trimble GPS Equipment gives the benefit of providing accuracy and dependability, especially for the site surveyors.

Trimble Earthworks

Using Trimble GPS systems means we no longer have to rely on the conventional surveying equipment for collecting site data. Using a GPS device makes the job simpler as the data collected is accurate and saves project time.

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